London Olympic Torch Concert



It is our belief that music is a gift to which everyone has the right to access and benefit from. We believe in the ability of music to enrich and transform lives regardless of its form and the setting in which it takes place. In the work we undertake we pursue policies founded on the principles of inclusivity and the equality of opportunities, ensuring our standards reflect the highest in musical quality and excellence.

Our vision

The connection of people, communities and cultures is the driving force behind all we do. We are dedicated to developing and promoting the appreciation, production and engagement with music for enjoyment, and also as a tool to strengthen and encourage personal, community and cultural relationships. We employ music’s unique abilities to enhance individual and community understanding and well-being.

Our mission

Our goal is to work collectively and in partnership with others who share our values to make involvement in music available and accessible to all. Equally, we endeavour to make engagement with our work an enriching and memorable experience that enhances feelings of well-being and leads to greater appreciation, involvement and participation in music as a vocational endeavour, for pleasure or any other reason.




Dr J C Robertson
The Old Farmhouse, Hermongers Lane

RH12 3AL

+44 (0)1403 824034


Our next session

Feel welcome to join us for our next session or see us in concert.

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