SongTrees' Awards and Achievements

* Awarded the prestigious Inspire Mark, which recognised innovative and exceptional projects that were directly inspired by the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

* Mental Health and Wellbeing Award: Finalist for the Best of Health 2010, South East Regional Health and Social Care Awards, UK's flaghship awards endorsed by the Department of Health

* Awarded the Arts & Business Reach Award for innovative practice between the arts and business communities.

* SongTrees songs were selected for teacher training and community workshops by SingUp, the UK's national manifesto for singing.

* Case Study Project for the Big Lottery Fund's Chances4Change Programme, supported by NHS South East Coast.

* Case Study Project for 'Every Contribution Matters', the VCS Contribution to the Enjoy and Achieve Outcome for the Children and Young People's Plan, funded through Children England, in partnership with RAISE. This publication was sent to children's trusts across the country.


We are grateful for recent funding from Arts Council England and to the National Lottery Community Fund.




Dr J C Robertson
The Old Farmhouse, Hermongers Lane

RH12 3AL

+44 (0)1403 824034


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